
Sunday, January 3, 2016

lsof command one liners


lsof command will provide a list of all open files belonging to respective active processes.

# lsof
init       1       root  cwd       DIR        8,1      4096          2 /
init       1       root  txt       REG        8,1    124704     917562 /sbin/init
init       1       root    0u      CHR        1,3       0t0       4369 /dev/null
init       1       root    1u      CHR        1,3       0t0       4369 /dev/null
init       1       root    2u      CHR        1,3       0t0       4369 /dev/null
init       1       root    3r     FIFO        0,8       0t0       6323 pipe

Time to see the details about output obtained,

COMMAND: - Name of process using a particular file
PID: - Process ID using a particular file
USER: - User name who has initiated the process/PID
DEVICE: - Details of device which is using the particular file
SIZE/OFF: - This is the size of the file or the file offset in bytes
NODE: - This is the node number of a local file
NAME: - This is the name of the mount point and file system on which the file resides

FD: - Represents the file descriptor.

Some of the values of FDs are,
CWD – Current Working Directory
TXT – Text file
MEM – Memory mapped file
MMAP – Memory mapped device
NUMBER[r,w,u] – Represent the actual file descriptor. The character after the number i.e ‘u’ or ‘r’ or ‘w’, represents the mode in which the file is opened. r for read, w for write, u for read and write.

TYPE: - Specifies the type of the file.

Some of the important values of TYPEs are as below reset can be referred from MAN  pages of lsof command,
REG – Regular File
DIR – Directory
FIFO – First In First Out
CHR – Character special file
IPv4 – An IPv4 socket file
IPv6 – An open IPv6 network file
sock – A socket of unknown domain
unix – A UNIX domain socket file

To get list processes which opened a specific file

# lsof /var/log/syslog

To get list opened files under a directory

# lsof +D /var/log/
+D will recurse the sub directories

# lsof +d /var/log/
To not to recurs use ‘+d’ option.

To list opened files based on process names starting with

# lsof -c ssh
# lsof -c ssh -c init

To list processes using a mount point

# lsof /home
# lsof +D /home/

To list files opened by a specific user

# lsof -u USERNAME

To list files opened by all users apart from a specific user

# lsof -u ^USERNAME

To list all open files by a specific process

# lsof -p 1753

To kill all process that belongs to a particular user

# kill -9 `lsof -t -u USERNAME`

To kill all process that belongs to a particular user

# kill -9 `lsof -t /var/log/syslog`

Combine more list options using OR/AND
When more than one list option in lsof are used they will be ORed


To make it ANDed condition ass –a at end

# lsof -u USERNAME -c FILENAME -a

To execute lsof in repeat mode

# lsof -u USERNAME -c FILENAME -a -r5

List all network connections
Network connections are also files. So we can find information about them by using lsof. You can list all the network connections opened by using ‘-i’ option.

# lsof -i

To list IPv4 connections

# lsof –i4

To list IPv6 connections

# lsof –i6

To list all network files in use by a specific process

# lsof -i -a -p 234
# lsof -i -a -c ssh

To list processes which are listening on a particular port

# lsof -i :25

To list all TCP or UDP connections

# lsof -i tcp;
# lsof -i udp;

To list connections against a particular TCP or UDP port

# lsof –I TCP:22
# lsof –I UDP:123

To list all Network File System ( NFS ) files

# lsof -N -u USERNAME –a

To list open files of TCP Port ranges 1-1024

# lsof -i TCP:1-1024

References :- 

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