
Nagios Administrator

Conceptual tasks

1.       Concepts in Nagios Core 
ü  Why Nagios? What is architecture of Nagios?
ü  Host  and Host Template Configuration
ü  Service and Service Template Configuration
ü  Host groups Configuration
ü  Service groups Configuration
ü  Command Configuration
ü  Plugin Configuration
ü  Contact and Contact Template Configuration
ü  Time Period Configuration
ü  Active Checks vs Passive Checks
ü  Best practices for planning your configurations
2.       Getting hands on Nagios Core 
ü  Installation and initial configuration of Nagios Core Server
ü  Installation and initial configuration of Nagios Core Linux Host/Client (NRPE based and SNMP Based)
ü  Installation and initial configuration of Nagios Core Linux Host/Client (NRPE based and SNMP Based)
ü  Configuration of services on a Host using default installed plugins and commands
ü  Configuration of services on a Host by installation of new plugin and command configuration
ü  Contacts and Contact group configuration
ü  Time period configuration
3.       Useful Plugins 
ü  Disk space utilization Linux/Windows
ü  Disk I/o utilization Linux
ü  Network Interface Utilization Linux
ü  CPU Usage Linux/Windows
ü  Load average Linux
ü  TCP/UDP Port response time
ü  Memory utilization Linux/Windows (With/Without Cache)
ü  Apache Usage
ü  Nginx Usage
ü  PHP-fpm health checks
ü  Cassandra database health checks
ü  MySQL/MariaDB database health checks
ü  MongoDB database health checks
ü  Oracle database health checks
ü  Elastic Search checks
ü  Memcached checks
ü  Haproxy checks
ü  Keepalived checks
4.       Passive check service configuration for a Host 
ü  Installation and initial configuration for NRDP
ü  Passive Service configuration on Nagios Core Server 
ü  Passive Service configuration on Client machine
5.       Additional Configurations 
ü  Email Relay server configuration
ü  Source Email ID configuration
ü  Sending alerts to a Web interface (blosxom)
ü  Performance tuning parameters
6.       Plugin development guidelines 
7.       SNMP Trap based monitoring  
ü  Installation and initial configuration for SNMPTT
ü  Trap based service and dependent configuration
8.       Troubleshooting examples 
9.       Reporting and Graphs 
ü  Installing and initial configuration of PNP4Nagios
ü  Using graphs
ü  Scheduling reports

  1. CGI Parameters details (Nagios Core)
  2. Performance Tuning (Nagios Core)
  3. Plugin development (Nagios Core)
  4. Plugin implementation for Dell IDRAC monitoring (Nagios Core)
  5. Plugins 
  6. From email id configuration (Core Nagios)
  7. Recurring downtime (Nagios Core)
  8. Switch Monitoring (Nagios Core)
  9. Type of Checks (Nagios Core)
  10. Various States in Nagios (Nagios Core)
  11. Thruk supporting components to nagios core
  12. Wrapper plugin for performance data (Nagios Core)
  13. Backup and Restore (Nagios XI)
  14. Importing from other versions of Nagios (Nagios XI)
  15. Installation (Nagios XI)
  16. Options available in web interfaces (Nagios XI)
  17. Technical specifications and architecture (Nagios XI)
  18. Installation (Centreon)
  19. Bulk host import

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Useful commands


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Learning through issues & troubleshooting

  1. FAQs

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Some fun stuff


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Useful scripts & utilities

  1. Automated NagVIS Map Creation

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