Monday, January 18, 2016
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
How to get Apache authenticated using OS user ?
Try below link it will give you more details
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Try below link it will give you more details
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Trick to keep your ssh session active
For a person working on a Unix based OS over a ssh connection, SSH
session timeout can be a pain area. If person is using putty for connection
Unix OS over ssh then session can become inactive if kept idle for a longer
time. So person needs to keep session alive by execution of some command or
reconnect session manually.
To get rid of this inactivity of ongoing session irrespective of its
idle or not, putty has an option of “Sending
null packets to keep session active” by setting some desired value you can
keep your session active, below is the screenshot of putty configuration
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Monday, January 4, 2016
Capture current directory within a shell script
There are various scenarios where you need to ensure that all supporting components of a shell script are written in the same directory where script has been placed.
In order to achieve that easy way it to initialize a variable at start of script with value as parent folder of the shell script. But hard-coding of it can be a pain area in later on stages.
So to make it dynamic below syntax can be utilized, this has been tested and used in various implementations worth a try.
SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
Enjoy !!
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There are various scenarios where you need to ensure that all supporting components of a shell script are written in the same directory where script has been placed.
In order to achieve that easy way it to initialize a variable at start of script with value as parent folder of the shell script. But hard-coding of it can be a pain area in later on stages.
So to make it dynamic below syntax can be utilized, this has been tested and used in various implementations worth a try.
SCRIPTDIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
Enjoy !!
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Sunday, January 3, 2016
wc command one liners
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Normal Use of wc command
# wc /etc/passwd
23 30 1035 /etc/passwd
To count number of lines in a file
# wc -l /etc/passwd
23 /etc/passwd
To count number of words in a file
# wc -w /etc/passwd
30 /etc/passwd
To count number of characters in a file
# wc -c /etc/passwd
1035 /etc/passwd
To apply normal wc command on a output using PIPE operator
# cat /etc/passwd |wc
23 30
To count number of lines from an output using PIPE
# cat /etc/passwd |wc -l
To count number of words from an output using PIPE
# cat /etc/passwd |wc -w
To count number of characters form an output using PIPE
# cat /etc/passwd |wc -c
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lsof command one liners
References :-
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lsof command will provide a list of all open files belonging to respective
active processes.
# lsof
init 1
root cwd DIR 8,1
4096 2 /
init 1
root txt REG 8,1
124704 917562 /sbin/init
init 1
root 0u CHR
1,3 0t0 4369 /dev/null
init 1
root 1u CHR
1,3 0t0 4369 /dev/null
init 1
root 2u CHR
1,3 0t0 4369 /dev/null
init 1 root
3r FIFO 0,8 0t0
6323 pipe
Time to see the details about output obtained,
- Name of process using a particular file
- Process ID using a particular file
- User name who has initiated the process/PID
- Details of device which is using the particular file
- This is the size of the file or the file offset in bytes
- This is the node number of a local file
- This is the name of the mount point and file system on which the file resides
FD: -
Represents the file descriptor.
Some of the values of FDs are,
CWD – Current Working Directory
TXT – Text file
MEM – Memory mapped file
MMAP – Memory mapped device
NUMBER[r,w,u] – Represent the actual file descriptor. The character
after the number i.e ‘u’ or ‘r’ or ‘w’, represents the mode in which the file
is opened. r for read, w for write, u for read and write.
- Specifies the type of the file.
Some of the important values of TYPEs are as below reset can be
referred from MAN pages of lsof command,
REG – Regular File
DIR – Directory
FIFO – First In First Out
CHR – Character special file
IPv4 – An IPv4 socket file
IPv6 – An open IPv6 network file
sock – A socket of unknown domain
unix – A UNIX domain socket file
To get list processes which opened a specific file
# lsof
To get list opened files under a directory
# lsof +D
+D will recurse the sub directories
# lsof +d
To not to recurs use ‘+d’ option.
To list opened files based on process names starting with
# lsof -c
# lsof -c
ssh -c init
To list processes using a mount point
# lsof /home
# lsof +D
To list files opened by a specific user
# lsof -u USERNAME
To list files opened by all users apart from a specific user
# lsof -u ^USERNAME
To list all open files by a specific process
# lsof -p
To kill all process that belongs to a particular user
# kill -9
`lsof -t -u USERNAME`
To kill all process that belongs to a particular user
# kill -9
`lsof -t /var/log/syslog`
Combine more list options using OR/AND
When more than one list option in lsof are used they will be ORed
# lsof -u USERNAME
To make it ANDed condition ass –a at end
# lsof -u USERNAME
To execute lsof in repeat mode
# lsof -u USERNAME
-c FILENAME -a -r5
List all network connections
Network connections are also files. So we can find information about
them by using lsof. You can list all the network connections opened by using
‘-i’ option.
# lsof -i
To list IPv4 connections
# lsof –i4
To list IPv6 connections
# lsof –i6
To list all network files in use by a specific process
# lsof -i -a
-p 234
# lsof -i -a
-c ssh
To list processes which are listening on a particular port
# lsof -i
To list all TCP or UDP connections
# lsof -i
# lsof -i
To list connections against a particular TCP or UDP port
# lsof –I TCP:22
# lsof –I UDP:123
To list all Network File System ( NFS ) files
# lsof -N -u
To list open files of TCP Port ranges 1-1024
# lsof -i
References :-
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Saturday, January 2, 2016
Regular Rxpressions One Liners
To make a copy of file
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To make a copy of file
# cp /path/to/file /path/to/file_move
# cp /path/to/file{,_copy}
To move or rename a file
# mv /path/to/file_name /path/to/file_name_old
# mv /path/to/file_name{,_old}
To generate Small letter a to z (with spaces between characters)
# echo {a..z}
To generate Capital letter A to Z (with spaces between characters)
# echo {A..Z}
To generate Small letter a to z (without spaces between characters)
# printf "%c" {a..z}
To generate Capital letter A to Z (without spaces between characters)
# printf "%c" {a..Z}
Above with result in output is without a terminating newline because the format string was "%c" and it doesn't include \n.
To have it newline terminated, just add $'\n' to the list of chars to print:
# printf "%c" {a..z} $'\n'
# echo $(printf "%c" {a..z})
To generate all letters in a column output and store it in a variable
# printf "%c\n" {a..z}
# variable=$( printf "%c" {a..z})
# variable=`printf "%c" {a..z}`
# printf –v variable "%c" {a..z}
To generate numbers from 1 to 100 (with spaces between numbers)
# echo {1..100}
To generate numbers from 1 to 100 (in column format)
# seq 1 100
To generate numbers 0 to 9 with a leading zero as pad
# printf "%02d " {0..9}
# echo {00..09}
To generate n number of words
# echo {w,t,}h{e{n{,ce{,forth}},re{,in,fore,with{,al}}},ither,at}
To generate alphanumeric strings
# echo {a,b,c}{1,2,3}
To generate 5 copies of the same string
# echo potato{,,,,}
To search lines starting with a string
grep '^string' files
To search lines ending with a string
grep 'smug$' files
To search lines containing only the string
grep '^smug$' files
To search lines starting with a special character ^ which
needs to be escaped
grep '\^s' files
To search lines containing string with capital and small
letter combination
grep '[Ss]mug' files
grep 'B[oO][bB]' files
To search empty lines
grep '^$' files
To search lines containing pair of digits
grep '[0-9][0-9]' file
To search lines containing at least one letter
grep '[a-zA-Z]'
To search lines containing letter or digit
grep '[^a-zA-Z0-9]
To search lines similar to 999-9999, like phone numbers
grep '[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{4\}’
To search lines with exactly one character
grep '^.$'
To search lines with string within quotes (Single/Double)
grep '"string"' {'string' within double quotes}
grep '"*string"*' {'string', with or without quotes}
To search lines starting with special character “.”
grep '^\.' {any line that starts with a Period "."}
Reference :-
echo command one linsers
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Input a line of text and display on standard output
# echo Test
string for command exercises
Test string
for command exercises
Print value of a variable
# var1=10
# echo The
value of variable var1 = $var1
The value of
variable x = 10
Note: The ‘-e’ option in Linux acts as interpretation of escaped
characters that are backslashed.
‘\b’– Backspace which removes all the spaces in between.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \bfor command \bexercises "
stringfor commandexercises
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \bfor command \bexercises "
Test string
\bfor command \bexercises
‘\n’ – New line to add new line from where it is used.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \nfor command \nexercises "
Test string
for command
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \nfor command \nexercises "
Test string
\nfor command \nexercises
‘\t’ – Horizontal tab to have horizontal tab spaces.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \tfor command \texercises "
string for command exercises
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \tfor command \texercises "
Test string
\tfor command \texercises
Using new Line ‘\n‘ and horizontal tab ‘\t‘ simultaneously.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \n\tfor command \n\texercises "
Test string
for command
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \n\tfor command \n\texercises "
Test string
\n\tfor command \n\texercises
With backslash interpreter (-e) Sequence matters
# echo -e
"Test string \t\nfor command \t\nexercises "
Test string
for command
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo "Test string \t\nfor command
\t\nexercises "
Test string
\t\nfor command \t\nexercises
‘\v’ – Vertical tab to have vertical tab spaces.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \vfor command \vexercises "
Test string
for command
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \vfor command \vexercises "
Test string
\vfor command \vexercises
Using new Line ‘\n’ and vertical tab ‘\v’ simultaneously.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \n\vfor command \n\vexercises "
Test string
for command
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \n\vfor command \n\vexercises "
Test string
\n\vfor command \n\vexercises
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \v\nfor command \v\nexercises "
Test string
for command
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \v\nfor command \v\nexercises "
Test string
\v\nfor command \v\nexercises
Note: no difference observed in combinational use of new line and
vertical tab option, multiple time usage can get you different results.
‘\r’ – carriage return to have specified carriage return in output.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \rfor command exercises "
for command
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \rfor command exercises "
Test string
\rfor command exercises
‘\c’ – suppress trailing new line to continue without emitting new
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \cfor command exercises "
Test string [test
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \cfor command exercises "
Test string
\cfor command exercises
Omit printing trailing new line using option ‘-n‘.
# echo -n
"Test string for command exercises "
Test string
for command exercises [test ~]#
‘\a’ – alert return to have sound alert.
With backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo -e
"Test string \afor command exercises "
Test string
for command exercises
Note: Make sure to check Volume key, before firing.
Without backslash interpreter (-e)
# echo
"Test string \afor command exercises "
Test string \afor
command exercises
Print all the files/folder using echo command (simulate ls command).
# echo *
Print files of a specific kind.
# echo *.txt
To append a text to a file instead of sending it to standard output
# echo
"Test content" > testfile
# cat testfile
Test content
Prints " (quote, octal ASCII
character 42)
echo -e "\042" # Prints " (quote, octal ASCII
character 42).
echo "=============="
(") framed by tabs.
echo $'\t \042 \t' # Using ASCII Values
echo $'\t \x22 \t' # Using Hexadecimal Values
ASCII characters to a variable.
quote=$'\042' # " assigned to a variable.
echo "$quote Quoted string $quote and this
lies outside the quotes."
ASCII chars in a variable.
triple_underline=$'\137\137\137' # 137 is octal ASCII code for '_'.
echo "$triple_underline UNDERLINE
Octal character values to a variable.
ABC=$'\101\102\103\010' # 101, 102, 103 are octal A, B, C.
echo $ABC
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