
Bash/Shell Scripting for Administrator

Basics of Bash/Shell Scripting

1.       Introduction to Bash Scripting

2.       Basic Linux understanding
ü  Working with Parameters i.e. Arguments

3.       Getting hands on commands
ü  Working with uniq command
ü  Working with diff command
ü  Working with touch command
ü  Working with scp command
ü  Working with sftp command
ü  Working with more command
ü  Working with tail command
ü  Working with head command

4.       OS statistics and troubleshooting
ü  Working with df command
ü  Working with nohup and & 
ü  Working with ps command
ü  Working with pstree command

5.       Arithmetic Operations

6.       Loops and Conditions
ü  Working with case conditional operator

7.       Exceptional concepts

8.       Intro to advanced commands

Advance Bash/Shell Scripting

1.       Revisiting Basic Shell Scripting
ü  Introduction to Bash Scripting
ü  Basic Linux understanding
ü  Getting hands on commands
ü  OS statistics and troubleshooting
ü  Arithmetic Operations
ü  Loops and Conditions
ü  Exceptional concepts
ü  Intro to Advanced commands

2.       Next Level of Advanced commands
ü  Working with find command (advanced)
ü  Working with sed command (advanced)
ü  Working with awk command (advanced)
ü  Working with regular expression (advanced)

3.       Expect scripts
ü  What is expect? Where to Use Expect?
ü  Working with expect scripting

4.       SUDO in scripts
ü  Requirements for using sudo in bash scripts
ü  Inbuilt variables for SUDO
ü  Working with sudo in shell scripts

5.       shift & set/unset operator
ü  Working with shift
ü  Working with set

6.       Understanding Ansible
ü  What is Ansible? Why it’s needed?
ü  Understanding Ansible architecture
ü  Understanding ansible components

7.       Understanding CGI
ü  What is CGI? Why it’s needed?
ü  Inbuilt variables for CGI
ü  Working with CGI

8.       Integrating bash with Other tools
ü  Integration with except command based scripting
ü  Integration with ansible scripting

9.       Simulation of industry based scenarios in LAB as examples scripts

Additional Exercises


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