
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

cp command one liners


Copy a file to another folder
cp filename /tmp

Copy a file content to another file
cp filename1 filename2

Copy folder to another location along with files that it contains
cp -r foldername /tmp
cp -R foldername /tmp

Copy files in a folder to another folder
cp foldername/* /tmp

Copy files starting with a pattern to a folder
cp PATTERN* /tmp

Copy files ending with a pattern to a folder
cp *PATTERN /tmp

Copy files containing a pattern to a folder
cp *PATTERN* /tmp

Copy files by preserving mode of source file at destination
cp -p mode filename /tmp
cp --preserve=mode filename /tmp

Copy files by preserving ownership of source file at destination
cp -p ownership filename /tmp
cp --preserve=ownership filename /tmp

Copy files by preserving timestamps of source file at destination
cp -p timestamps filename /tmp
cp --preserve=timestamps filename /tmp

Copy files by preserving context of source file at destination (Usefule only in terms of SElinux)
cp -p context filename /tmp
cp --preserve=context filename /tmp

Copy file to another folder by forcing overwrite
cp -f filename /tmp

Copy file to another folder with a prompt for files to be overwritten
cp -i filename /tmp

Copy a file to another location only if file existing on destination is older than source or destination file is missing
cp -u filename /tmp

Copy a file to another folder by assigning a specific context
cp -Z CONTEXTNAME filename /tmp
cp --context=CONTEXTNAME filename /tmp

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