
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Samba configuration on Linux OS


1.    Installation of SAMBA packages :-

       Packages those are required for installation is as below
                                  i.    samba
                                 ii.    samba-client
                                iii.    samba-doc
                               iv.    kdebase3-samba (optional)
                                v.    kdenetwork3-lan (optional)
                               vi.    kdenetwork3-lisa (optional)
Figure 1  

Figure 2
2.    The power and flexibility of Samba is controlled by a single configuration file, smb.conf
3.    Two typical locations for smb.conf are /usr/local/samba/lib and/etc/samba. 
4.  The first thing anyone new to Samba should do is: (a) make a copy of smb.conf so you always have an "clean" original
5.    To add samba in Auto-start mode at Boot-up :-
a.    chkconfig smb on
b.    chkconfig smb off 
Figure 3
6.    Ports required for Samba TCP/UDP Ports
a.    smbd (port 139-TCP) Shares and printers data transfer
b.    nmbd (ports 137-UDP & 138-UDP) WINS, WINS Proxying, Browsing 
7.    Manual start/stop of Samba:
a.    /etc/init.d/nmb {start|stop|restart|reload|status}
b.    /etc/init.d/smb {start|stop|restart|reload|status}
Figure 4
8.    Create Linux users:
      As here we will be having primary motive to create user who can be used for accessing samba, for that the user should be present on OS hence if shell login of this user is not required then same can be disabled at OS level, it will be active only at Samba level. Below mentioned steps can be used for creation of users which are only to be used for Samba

mkdir /etc/empty; useradd -l -mk /etc/empty -s /bin/false username
Figure 5  
9.    Create Samba users:
a.    smbpasswd -a username àAdds a new samba username and can also used for setting password for samba user
Figure 6
b.    smbpasswd -d username àDisables an existing samba username
c.    smbpasswd -e username àEnables an existing samba username
Figure 7
d.    smbpasswd -x username àDeletes an existing samba username
Figure 8 
10.  Testing samba configuration and listing all the default configurations:
testparm | tee /etc/samba/smb.conf.all | less
Figure 9 
Note :- The Share names should be without space and no longer than 13 chars.

11.  Checking listening ports (137,138,139) and Searching for SMB Hosts :-
a.    netstat -ltun | egrep ":137 |:138 |:139" (Shows listening ports)
b.    findsmb [BroadcastAddr] or findsmb workgroup (Shows SMB hosts)
Sign before names: +=LocalMaster
Browser *=Domain Master Browser
Figure 10
12.  Testing local samba with smbclient:
smbclient -N -L localhost à localhost word can be replaced with local IP address
Figure 11
13.  Testing a remote SMB server (Unix)
a.    smbclient //ServeName/ShareName -U UserName
smbclient //IP address/ShareName -U UserName
b.    Then once authenticated for username/password use the typical ftp like commands.
c.    (eg. cd, lcd, pwd, ls, put, mput, get, mget, del, rename, mkdir, rmdir, chown, chmod,  exit, quit ) 
14.  Testing a remote SMB server (Windows)
a.    //ServeName/ShareName
//IP address/ShareName
b.    Then once authenticated for username/password use typical browsing to access the specified samba share 
15.  A simple example is in order. By default (ie, the global default option) Samba allows anyone who passes the authentication process--typically a valid username/password combination--access to a listed share. An administrator can, however, restrict user access to a share by using the valid users = option. For example:

            comment = Home Directories
            valid users = sandeep
            read only = yes
            browseable = yes
Figure 12 
16.  The above share can only be accessed by the user sandeep, effectively overriding any other options (implied or otherwise) specified in the [global] section of the configuration file.
Figure 13 
17.  Below, for reference, is the fully assembled Samba PDC configuration file:
# /etc/samba/smb.conf
# samba configuration file
# last updated: 2/28/2002 by tms
   ;basic server settings
   workgroup = syroidmanor
   netbios name = phoenix
   server string = Samba PDC running %v
   ;PDC and master browser settings
   os level = 64
   preferred master = yes
   local master = yes
   domain master = yes
   ;security and logging settings
   security = user
   encrypt passwords = yes
   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   log level = 2
   max log size = 50
   hosts allow =
   ;user profiles and home directory
   logon home = \\%L\%U\
   logon drive = H:
   logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
   logon script = netlogon.bat
# ==== shares ====
  comment = Home Directories
  browseable = no
  writeable = yes
  path = /home/samba/profiles
  writeable = yes
  browseable = no
  create mask = 0600
  directory mask = 0700
  comment = Network Logon Service
  path = /home/netlogon
  read only = yes
  browseable = no
  write list = tom

18.  General information regarding various parameters in smb.conf file

a.    Standard Shares à share names are reserved only for these purposes
comment = Heimatverzeichnis
browseable = no   ; Name of user share seen by other users
read only = no       ; Cannot write ? (same as writable=no)
create mode = 0750         ; ANDed with 0766(default) to set the files access rights

comment = All Printers
browseable = no               ; Seen as a directory share (absolutely NO !)
read only = yes                 ; We can save files there  (absolutely NO !)
printable = yes                  ; We can send print jobs to it  (absolutely yes !)
public = yes                                   ; Usable by all users including guests
directory = /tmp                ; Where the print jobs will be saved before they are printed
create mode = 0700                     ; Allow owners to do anything to these saved print jobs

b.    Normal Shares :

[cdrom]                              ; Example of a typical share
comment = CD-ROM
path = /media/cdrom                    ; Path of the share
writeable = no       ; Preventing trying to write on CDROMs. (Same as read only=yes)
locking = no          ; Prevent samba from locking the accessed files while opened
public = yes           ; Usable by all users including guests ? (Same as guest ok = yes)

[LaserJet]             ; Single Printer share settings if load printers = no
printable = yes      ; Here the user paul is the only one allowed to use this printer.
printer = laserjet
printing = cups
read only = yes     ; Same as writeable = no
valid users = paul

19.  List of extra usefull share parameters of smb.conf file

hosts equiv =/etc/hosts.equiv       ; List of users allowed without passwords.(Global)
path = /var/pc/%m            ; Each machine gets its own share directory
                              ; (directory must exist and must be all in lowercase characters)
path = /var/users/%u         ; Each user gets its own share directory (user dir. must exist)
create mode = 0740         ; Mode ANDed with Windows(rw/ro) and 0766 for file creation
                              ; Default = 0744
directory mode = 0751     ; Mode ANDed with Windows(rw/ro) and 0755 for Dir. creation
                              ; Default = 0755
force create mode = 0740            ; Forces all the files to have this mode when created
force directory mode = 0750        ; Forces all directories to have this mode when created
hosts deny = 192.168.                  ; Hosts that are not allowed to access the share.
                              ; Valid values are ALL, FQDN, IPAddr, NetAddr/Netmask, Partial IP
hosts allow =  150.203.                 ; Allows all hosts clients with IP starting with 150.203.
                        ; Valid values: ALL, FQDN, IPAddr, NetAddr/Netmask, Partial IP
                        ; hosts allow takes priority over hosts deny if conflicting.
valid users = john, sophie             ; Sets the only users allowed access to the share.
write list = marie, @admin            ; Only these users or group(@) are allowed to write to 
                              ; share, Normally combined with writeable = yes
read list = marie, @shipping         ; These users or group(@) are limited to rear-only to the
                              ; share, Normally combined with writeable = no
follow symlinks = no                     ; Doesn't permit to follow symbolic links. Default is yes
wide links = no                              ; Limits following symbolic links to inside the share
                              ; tree.(Def=yes)
preexec = LinuxCommand           ; Runs a command as user before access to a share
root preexec = LinuxCommand   ; Runs a command as root before access to a share
postexec = LinuxCommand         ; Run a command as user before closing access to a share
root postexec = LinuxCommand ; Run a command as root before closing access to a share

20.  Mounting SMB shares on a local Directory will be updated in this post shortly with many more details.

21. To view list of users created in samba use "pdbedit command"

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