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Find Files
Based on Access / Modification / Change Time
You can find
files based on following three file time attribute.
Access time of the file. Access time gets
updated when the file accessed.
Modification time of the file. Modification time
gets updated when the file content modified.
Change time of the file. Change time gets
updated when the inode data changes.
In the
following examples, the difference between the min option and the time option
is the argument.
min argument treats its argument as minutes.
min 60 = 60 minutes (1 hour)
time argument treats its argument as 24 hours.
time 2 = 2*24 hours (2 days)
While doing
the 24 hours calculation, the fractional parts are ignored so 25 hours is taken
as 24 hours, and 47 hours is also taken as 24 hours, only 48 hours is taken as
48 hours. To get more clarity refer the -atime section of the find command man
Find files
whose content got updated within last 1 hour
To find the
files based upon the content modification time, the option -mmin, and -mtime is
used. Following is the definition of mmin and mtime
-mmin n # File’s data was last modified n minutes ago
-mtime n # File’s data was last modified n*24 hours ago
Find files
in the current directory and sub-directories, whose content got updated within
last 1 hour (60 minutes)
# find / -mmin -60
Find all the
files (under root file system /) that got updated within the last 24 hours (1
# find / -mtime -1
Find files
which got accessed before 1 hour
To find the
files based up on the file access time, the option -amin, and -atime is used.
Following is the definition of amin and atime
-amin n # File was last accessed n minutes ago
-atime n # File was last accessed n*24 hours ago
Find files
in the current directory and sub-directories, which got accessed within last 1
hour (60 minutes)
# find / -amin -60
Find all the
files (under root file system /) that got accessed within the last 24 hours (1
# find / -atime -1
Find files
which got changed exactly before 1 hour
To find the
files based up on the file inode change time, the option -cmin, and -ctime is
used. Following is the definition of cmin and ctime
-cmin n # File’s status was last changed n minutes ago.
-ctime n # File’s status was last changed n*24 hours ago.
Find files
in the current directory and sub-directories, which changed within last 1 hour
(60 minutes)
# find / -cmin -60
Find all the
files (under root file system /) that got changed within the last 24 hours (1
# find / -ctime -1
following find command displays files that are accessed in the last 30 minutes.
# find /etc/sysconfig -amin -30
Note: The
above output contains both files and directories
# find /etc/sysconfig -amin -30 -type f
Note: The
above output contains only files
the search only to unhidden files. (Do not display hidden files in find output)
# find / -mmin -15 \( ! -regex ".*/\..*" \)
Find files
which are modified after modification of a particular FILE
# find -newer /etc/passwd
26. Find files which are accessed after
modification of a specific FILE
# find -anewer /etc/hosts
Find files
whose status got changed after the modification of a specific FILE.
# find -cnewer /etc/fstab
Syntax to
perform any operation on files found from find command
# find <CONDITION to Find files> -exec
OPERATION can be anything such as:
rm # command to remove the files found
by find command.
mv # command to rename the files found.
ls -l # command to get details of the
find command output files.
md5sum # on find command output files
wc # command to count the total number
of words on find command output files.
To ls –l in find command output. Long list
the files which are edited within the last 1 hour.
# find / -mmin -60
# find / -mmin -60 -exec ls -l {} \;
Only in the Current Filesystem
# find / -name "*.log"
This will
search for the file only in the current file system. Following is the xdev
definition from find man page: -xdev don’t descend directories on other
command will search for *.log files starting from / (root) and only in the
current file system. i.e If you have multiple partitions mounted under /
(root), the following command will NOT search all those mounted partitions.
# find / -xdev -name "*.log"
Using more
than one { } in same command
# find -name "*.txt" cp {} {}.bkup \;
You can
simulate it by writing a shell script as shown below.
# mv "$1" "`basename "$1"
These double
quotes are to handle spaces in file name. And then call that shell script from
the find command as shown below.
# find -name "*.html" -exec ./mv.sh '{}' \;
errors to /dev/null
# find -name "*.txt" 2>>/dev/null
space with underscore in the file name
Having space
in the file name is not so good for Linux kind of systems. You can use the find
and rename command combination as shown below to rename the files, by
substituting the space with underscore.
# find . -type f -iname “*.txt? -exec rename “s/ /_/g” {}
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